Monday, October 30, 2006

More Halloween parties! (when will it end?)

the turtle girl


The scene

Friday, October 27, 2006

indra keeps herself busy in car....

fun in the backseat

Halloween is here.

We took Indie to Kidspace with a bunch of her little friends for a early Halloween party. It was too hot for her frog costume, so we improvised a ballerina outfit! She loved it and would sleep in the tutu if she could.
 in a ball crawl

Chris takes our photo
Mommy and Indie

Here is Indie having fun around town

My family is nice
Indie with her Daddy.

Goofy Indie
Indra with sunglasses.

she loved this even though she barely reached the pedals

Sunday, October 15, 2006

More pictures

Indie loved seeing her grandparents! We had a wonderful visit and she still talks about them! She sleeps with the panda bear they bought her at the zoo.

Grammy and Granddad came out to see Indie

Here we are at the zoo

Monday, October 02, 2006

On our way to the ferry

Getting on to the ferry to ocras island

dancing through the northwest

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Seattle! Yep we got to see Kat and Derek

They live in Ballard, in a wonderful new house, with one tiny bunny, one giant bunny and one sweet kitty. It was heaven to see them....